Important things in life:

Many people try to fit in too much into their lives. I am guilty of that at times. One thing must never be sacrificed in all that busyness....that is relationships. Relationships to God, our spouses, and our children. God designed us for relationship with Him and designed the family as a hands on example of that love and relationship.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Silver Dollar City has been fun, fast and furious! Mark has been such a huge help. He is so funny and sociable as I work on making pottery. I overestimated how quick I could turn around an order for some special orders. It is taking longer to get my pottery to dry after making it on the wheel. The air is moist here and we are working outdoors.
Hopefully people will understand that art work is a slow process.
Next week is our last week and then I'm home again!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My view from my studio

When I need a break, I just open my door and breathe in the fresh fall air and watch the sheep peacefully graze in the field.
I love my home and our farm.
Oh Nooooo! This server was 20 pounds of hard work to throw! It cracked during the drying process. I will have to try again and keep it covered longer next time.
The kiln has been unloaded and reloaded with bare clay that is bone dry. It will be fired to 1800 degrees now. Then I will unload it and glaze it and fire it again to 2300 degrees.
This is my most popular item. It is a creamer, syrup pitcher, or dressing/ oil jar.
The flowing rutile glaze is unpredictable.
The bird shape is charming.
They sell for $22.
Here is the sweet surprise of opening a kiln after a firing. Will things turn out well? Will they be intact or exploded in pieces.....will the colors be what I expected?
I never know until it is opened.
These look great. I love the purples and the flowing colors of the rutile on the black glaze.

Mark and I are busy at Silver Dollar City creating and selling Pottery. Anyone in the Branson area should come see the fabulous Craftsman Festival.
I am fortunate to be one of the Best of Missouri Hands artists and get to be one of the guest artists for the park.
We enjoy seeing all the beautiful young families stroll by and visit.
This first photo is of me and another artist I love, Tresa.